Monday, September 27, 2010

Benefits of Study Abroad (by Dr. Irene Lange)

The benefits you can expect to gain from joining a study abroad program go far beyond what you learn in the classroom.  Study abroad is a uniquely life-changing experience.  Many students come back from studying abroad more independent and confident.  They are eager and ready to take on any challenges, be they academic, professional or personal.  You gain a much better appreciation of your own and other cultures.  You learn how to creatively solve problems in different cultural contexts. 

A study abroad experience on your resume will distinguish you from your peers in today’s extremely competitive job market.  You will develop qualities that employers value such as the willingness and readiness to adapt to new environments, and the ability to look at a project or situation from different perspectives.  Employers will also appreciate that you're able to adapt to different corporate cultures.

Do look into our Summer Study Abroad programs!

--Dr. Irene Lange
Chair, Marketing Department
Coordinator, BA in International Business

1 comment:

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Study abroad France