Thursday, September 23, 2010

Do you ever leave your house? (By Dr. Neil Granitz)

I was recently in India for a few weeks and one of my tour guides told me that his mother only leaves the house once a year; not uncommon. I was stunned…couldn’t believe it - and yes his mother does watch a lot of TV. Imagine if your whole life took place in your house. Imagine everything and everyone you would be missing….and then I thought about people who have never traveled.

If you have never left the U.S., it is like you have never left your house. There is a whole world of difference out there and one of the best ways to experience it is through study abroad. You will immerse yourself in new culture. You will learn about business in another country. You will gain international experience. You will touch extraordinary structures. You will meet people that see the world differently from you. You will earn credit. You will learn about yourself. You won’t want it to end.

It’s time to get out of your house. Are you ready yet? Check out our programs.

--Dr. Neil Granitz
Marketing Professor
BEST 2011 Director

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